Upcoming Events.

3D Archery Shoot
3D Shoot – 20 Targets
Registration at the Archery Practice Range from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Classes: Open, Hunter, Senior 50+, Women, Junior - $10.00 - Cadets & Cubs – Free
Marked Yardage
Hunter Friendly Course

Archery League Open
Length of 2024 league season – The season starts Monday, May 12, and ends Sunday, August 17.
You will have 14 weeks to shoot 10 rounds. You may shoot more than 1 round in a week.
See the Activities page for more information.

3D Archery Shoot
3D Shoot – 20 Targets
Registration at the Archery Practice Range from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Classes: Open, Hunter, Senior 50+, Women, Junior - $10.00 - Cadets & Cubs – Free
Marked Yardage
Hunter Friendly Course

“Under the Lights” 2 Person Scramble – 20 Targets “DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF TODD DONTJE”
Registration at Club House from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
2 Person Scramble - Bring Your Own Partner - Starting Time - 8:30 p.m. or so
Classes: Open & Hunter - $40.00 Per Team – Maximum of 22 Teams
Marked Yardage Maximum 40 Yards
Preregistration Recommended
For reservations and information call:
John Wilharms @ 920-585-0890 or jwgunrepair@sbcglobal.net
Brian Wilharms @ 920-850-7295 or bjwilharms@gmail.com

3D Archery Shoot
3D Shoot – 20 Targets
Registration at the Archery Practice Range from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Classes: Open, Hunter, Senior 50+, Women, Junior - $10.00 - Cadets & Cubs – Free
Marked Yardage
Hunter Friendly Course

“A Shoot & A Beer”
20 Targets
The shoot is held at Capitol Centre’s Volley Ball Court, 725 W Capitol Dr, Appleton
Friday – 2-person scramble – Bring your own partner - Starting Time - 7:00
Classes: Open & Hunter - $40.00 Per Team - Marked Yardage
Preregistration Recommended
For reservations and information call:
John Wilharms @ 920-585-0890 or jwgunrepair@sbcglobal.net
Brian Wilharms @ 920-850-7295 or bjwilharms@gmail.com

“A Shoot & A Beer”
ASA Style Singles Shoot - Starting Time - 6:00 p.m. with shoot-off following.
Shoot is held at Capitol Centre’s Volley Ball Court, 725 W Capitol Dr, Appleton
Classes: Open & Hunter - $20.00 per person - Marked Yardage
Preregistration Recommended
John Wilharms @ 920-585-0890 or jwgunrepair@sbcglobal.net
Brian Wilharms @ 920-850-7295 or bjwilharms@gmail.com

$10 parking per vehicle
Free admission to the races
1/3 mile iced track
Over 40 different Vintage Classes
No Carry Ins Please
Food and Drinks Available for purchase
Additional Racing information can be found at https://www.provintageracing.com/events
Cup Race: Modstock 340 F/A
$1000 payout to the top 3!
$10,000 in additional payout to racers on top of 100% payback.
$10 parking per vehicle- Free Admission to the races
Food & Refreshments available - No Carry-Ins
Races start @ 11 am.
Non-Sanctioned- all classes & Junior, Pee-Wee & Powderpuff
New this year, the snowmobile cup race in memory of Lyle Janke
Saturday Evening: Good Tyme Multimedia 5 pm-9 pm DJ/Video/Karaoke
Sno-Mo/ATV Race Chairmen:
Jake Wunderlich 920-851-6777 Bruce Learman 920-840-8553
Racer Registration is only available in person on Friday, Jan. 24th, from 5 pm to 9 pm and Saturday, Jan. 25th, from 6:30 am to 9:30 am.
Registration fees are:
First class $35 ( $15 sanction fee + $20 class entry fee = $35 )
Additional classes are $20 a piece
All class fees must be paid in cash there is an ATM available on-site
Class entry fees are 100% pay back the club only keeps the $15 sanction fee
Running order is subject to change due to ice conditions and the number of entrants
Follow Facebook for Track and Event Updates!

"A Shoot & A Beer
Location: Capitol Center’s Volley Ball Court
725 W Capitol Dr. Appleton, WII
ASA Style Singles Shoot
Starting time is 6:00 pm with the shoot-off following
Open & Hunter
$20.00 per person
Maximum 22 Shooters
Marked Yardage
Preregistration Recommended
For Questions Please Contact
John Wilharms @ 920-585-0890 or jwgunrepair@sbcglobal.net
or Brian Wilharms @ 920-850-7295 or bjwilharms@gmail.com

"A Shoot & A Beer" -20 Targets
Location: Capitol Center’s Volley Ball Court
725 W Capitol Dr. Appleton, WI
2 Person Scramble
Bring your own partner
Open & Hunter
$40.00 per Team
Maximum 22 Teams - Marked Yardage
Preregistration Recommended
For Questions Please Contact
John Wilharms @ 920-585-0890 or jwgunrepair@sbcglobal.net
or Brian Wilharms @ 920-850-7295 or bjwilharms@gmail.com
Join us for our annual craft fair at OCC. 20+ crafters, all handmade/homegrown items. Saturday, December 7, 2024, 9 am-2 pm. Free admission. Beverages available for purchase – NO CARRY INS. Perfect time to buy Christmas gifts!
Please message us to request information about obtaining a vendor space.
Please don’t respond to anyone other than Outagamie Conservation Club, Jennifer Learman, or Tanya Zastrow Stone regarding the availability of vendor spaces.
Get ready for the Wisconsin Gun Deer Season!
Targets at 50 & 100 yards at each station. One station with a 25-yard target.
Gunsmith on site.
OCC members may site in 2 rifles free of charge, and pay $5 each for any rifles after that.
Non-members pay $5 per rifle.
First come, first served.
Bring your own ammo.
Get ready for the Wisconsin Gun Deer Season!
Targets at 50 & 100 yards at each station. One station with a 25-yard target.
Gunsmith on site.
OCC members may site in 2 rifles free of charge, and pay $5 each for any rifles after that.
Non-members pay $5 per rifle.
First come, first served.
Bring your own ammo.
Get ready for the Wisconsin Gun Deer Season!
Targets at 50 & 100 yards at each station. One station with a 25-yard target.
Gunsmith on site.
OCC members may site in 2 rifles free of charge, and pay $5 each for any rifles after that.
Non-members pay $5 per rifle.
First come, first served.
Bring your own ammo.
Get ready for the Wisconsin Gun Deer Season!
Targets at 50 & 100 yards at each station. One station with a 25-yard target.
Gunsmith on site.
OCC members may site in 2 rifles free of charge, and pay $5 each for any rifles after that.
Non-members pay $5 per rifle.
First come, first served.
Bring your own ammo.

OCC Haunted Hayride
Join OCC for its annual Haunted Hayride
Registration starts at 6:00pm and closes at 9:00pm.
Hayrides start at Dusk .
Volunteer opportunities available.

OCC Haunted Hayride
Join OCC for its annual Haunted Hayride
Registration starts at 6:00pm and closes at 9:00pm.
Hayrides start at Dusk .
Volunteer opportunities available.

OCC Haunted Hayride
Join OCC for its annual Haunted Hayride
Registration starts at 6:00pm and closes at 9:00pm.
Hayrides start at Dusk .
Volunteer opportunities available.

OCC Haunted Hayride
Join OCC for its annual Haunted Hayride
Registration starts at 6:00pm and closes at 9:00pm.
Hayrides start at Dusk .
More information will come soon.
Volunteer opportunities available.

Haunted Hayride Set Up (Volunteers Needed)
We are looking for volunteers to come set up for our annual Haunted Hayride.
This will be inside and outside work. So please dress for the weather!
Please call or text Tanya Stone with any questions

Volunteer Day
OCC is looking for some volunteers to clear some brush and trees for the upcoming race season at the club.
Please if able bring a saw (the club will supply fuel and bar oil)
Dress accordingly gloves are also recommended

O.C.C. Summer Trap Banquet
Where: Romy’s Nightingale Supper Club
W5670 County Rd A, Black Creek, WI 54106
Dinner: 6 pm
Awards: Follow
Cost: Attendees are responsible for their own meal. Meal is purchased at Romy’s.
Free tap beer and soda.
Questions: Matt Dempewolf – (920)475-5077

2024 Annual Woman's Outdoor Workshop *Registration is closed for 2024*
*Registration is closed for 2024*
*Event will go on rain or shine, so dress accordingly.*
Adults $30.00
Girls (minimum age 10 - 17) $20.00
*Cost includes all supplies, lunch, a t-shirt, and door prizes
*PrePay will be required.*
Classes (Choose 6):
(To ensure the quality of the class some class sizes will be limited)
1. Trap Shooting - Learn how to shoot clay targets(MINIMUM AGE 12)
2. Archery - Learn the basics of shooting archery
3. Kayaking/Canoe/Paddleboard - Learn how to use all 3 on our pond
4. Fly fishing and flies - Learn about fly fishing, techniques and tie your own fishing fly
5. Pistol shooting - Learn about gun safety and use a variety of different types of handguns (MINIMUM AGE 14)
6. Mushrooms! - Learn the basics of mushroom foraging, identification and uses
7. Dutch Oven Cooking- How to use and care for while also making a recipe
8. Bottle cap flower craft project - Using metal bottle caps to make flowers/design on a wood board
9. Gun Cleaning - Demonstration on gun cleaning from a SCHEELS associate. Each person who takes this class will be allowed to bring one firearm, a handgun or rifle. It is not required to bring one, just an option. Must be unloaded and will be checked prior to the class. All firearms are to remain in your vehicle until your class time which will be provided on your schedule you receive the day of the event.
10. Fishing with SCHEELS Pro Staff- Fish and learn the basics about fishing and more advanced information different baits and uses
11. Jute Twine Lantern- Tie your own twine jar holder that will hold a mason jar and design your own jar.
*Classes are subject to change*
*Registration is closed for 2024*
To register, email OCCWOW@yahoo.com or call Colleen @ 920-205-1618
Include Name, Phone Number, Age, T-shirt Size, and 6 classes you would like to attend.
Please also include any names of people you will be attending with. While not guaranteed, we try to schedule you together if possible.
*PrePay will be required.*
Adults $30.00 Girls (minimum age 10 - 17) $20.00
Payments can be made via Venmo or via check (payment details provided upon registration)
Please mail checks to: Outagamie Conservation Club ATTN: WOW, N3502 Mayflower Rd, Hortonville, WI 54944
*Event will go on rain or shine, so dress accordingly.*
Cancelations: In order to obtain a refund for a cancelation, you must contact OCCWOW@yahoo.com or call Colleen @ 920-205-1618, no less than 14 days before the event due to the purchasing of supplies, shirts and limited participants.
O.C.C. Club Championship 100 Bird Shoot
Where: Outagamie Conservation Club
Classes: Men’s, Women’s, Junior's, Lewis
Members $24
Lewis $5
Config: The first 50 birds shot from the 16-yard line
The second 50 birds shot at handicapped yardage
based on the score from the first 50 birds
Contact: Matt Dempewolf – (920)475-5077
O.C.C. Club Championship 100 Bird Shoot
Where: Outagamie Conservation Club
Classes: Men’s, Women’s, Junior's, Lewis
Members $24
Lewis $5
Config: The first 50 birds shot from the 16-yard line
The second 50 birds shot at handicapped yardage
based on the score from the first 50 birds
Contact: Matt Dempewolf – (920)475-5077

15th annual Car Show plus 15 Gun Raffle
Held at Outagamie Conservation Club, N3502 Mayflower Rd., Hortonville
Cars, Trucks, Tractors & Motorcycles
FUN show - All makes & models welcome - Come out & show off your ride!
Registration 11am-1pm – Awards at 3pm
Free admission – Free registration
Awards for:
Favorite Car, Truck, Tractor, Motorcycle, Best in Show
15 Gun Raffle – only 700 tickets sold - $20 each
Raffle winners will be drawn at approx. 3:30pm
Visit OCC or see an OCC director to purchase tickets
Music, vendors, raffles
Food & refreshments available, no carry-ins please
For more info call/text Jen Learman 920-740-1805
Find us on Facebook (Outagamie Conservation Club – places)

3D Shoot – 20 Targets
Registration at Archery Practice Range 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Classes: Open, Hunter, Senior 50+, Women, Junior - $10.00
Cadets & Cubs – Free
Marked Yardage Hunter Friendly Course

“Under the Lights” 2 Person Scramble – 20 Targets
Registration at Club House
N3502 Mayflower Rd, Hortonville, WI 54944
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
2 Person Scramble - Bring Your Own Partner
Starting Time - 8:30 p.m. or so
Classes: Open & Hunter - $40.00 Per Team – Maximum of 22 Teams
Marked Yardage
Maximum 40 Yards
Preregistration Recommended
For Questions Please Contact
John Wilharms @ 920-585-0890 or jwgunrepair@sbcglobal.net
or Brian Wilharms @ 920-850-7295 or bjwilharms@gmail.com

4th Annual BBQ BASH
2024 MSCWI Competition Notes and Rules
Rib Competition Entry Fee: $60, $50 if paid by 4/30/24.
Payout is 100% of entry fees. Payout as follows:
1st place is 50%
2nd place is 35%
3rd place is 15%
This will be determined by people's choice judging.
There will also be a judged portion of this comp this year for trophies.
Check-in begins: 8:00 AM
Cooks' meeting: 8:45 AM
Cooking begins: 9:00 AM
Turn-in: 3;30 PM
People's Choice and Judged portion begins: 3:40 PM
Visit Meat Smoking’s Website for more information and Registration.

3D Shoot – 20 Targets
Registration at Archery Practice Range 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Classes: Open, Hunter, Senior 50+, Women, Junior - $10.00
Cadets & Cubs – Free
Marked Yardage Hunter Friendly Course